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salle de conférence

Define your wealth strategy

Need to take stock of your heritage ?

Questions about your investments ?

A change in wealth, professional situation ?

Management advice helps you define your wealth strategy.


Place your money

Have you just received a return of money ?

Do you have cash ?

Do you want to boost your savings ?

Management consultancy offers you personalized and efficient solutions to design a real investment strategy in a realistic and measured manner.

Plate-forme d'accueil

Prepare for your retirement

Are you 20, 40, 60 ?

Thinking about your retirement, hesitating between different investments ?

You need personalized advice, adapted to your situation.

The Carat GP council supports you in identifying your goals,

your projects and your wishes, to prepare for your retirement with complete peace of mind.

Maison moderne

Boost your wealth

Do you want to change the way you manage your wealth and are you looking for a personalized approach? You are a business manager or you practice a liberal profession you want advice adapted to your exercise and your remuneration Carat GP has a complete and diversified range of investment solutions.

Travail au domicile

Securing the future of your children

Do you want to protect your children's future ?

Passing on a heritage Arbitrations are often difficult.

How to choose ?

Wealth management advice helps you make the best choices for the future of your children.

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SARL CARAT GP Invest - with capital of 40,777 € - 23 Mail Haroun Tazieff, 44300, Nantes - -

RCS Nantes 842 620 247 - SIRET: 842 620 247 00010 - APE-NAF: 7022Z Approval number - Orias 18008033

Financial investment advisor n ° F000573 by La Compagnie des CGPI - Brokerage in insurance operations - Intermediary in Banking Operations and Payment Services - association approved by the AMF: F000558

Holder of the Professional Transaction Card on buildings and goodwill issued by the CCI N ° CPI 4401 2020 000 044 557 - Professional RC n ° MRCSFGP201810FRN0000000020684A00 - Financial guarantee of € 600,000.00 without manipulation of funds

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